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Support Us / Stuðningur

Get involved / Vertu með!

Our facilitation team invites you to join us in helping the church to grow organically!

Stýrihópurinn okkar býður þér að taka þátt í að hjálpa kirkju Krists til að vaxa á lífrænan hátt!

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Would you like to support us financially?
Viltu styðja okkur fjárhagslega?

Here are some ways / Hér eru nokkrar leiðir


In the U.S. and Canada

You can support the work of LifeQuality through the ministry of Greg and Betsy Aikins by visiting Development Associates International

In Europe

You can support the work of LifeQuality International through the ministry of Greg and Betsy Aikins by visiting

Development Associates International

Á Íslandi

Frjáls framlög hjálpa okkur að halda áfram að þjóna meðal Íslendinga í gegnum kennslu, ráðstefnur, hirðisstarf og ráðgjöf.  Það má leggja inn á eftirfarandi reikninginn:

Lífsgæði, Kt. 640395-2149, (Íslandsbanki) 0528-26-001266

Audio podcasts

organic-church-lifequality-episode-1-what-is-churchGreg Aikins
00:00 / 14:22
organic-church-lifequality-episode-2-how-well-can-they-see-jesusGreg Aikins
00:00 / 10:52
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