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Organic church LifeQuality podcast
Lífræn kirkja hlaðvarp
Podcasts with Greg Aikins in both English and Icelandic!
Hlaðvörp með Greg Aikins bæði á íslensku og ensku!
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2. þáttur "Ný sjálfsmynd"
Hvernig sjáum við sjálf okkur sem kirkju Jesú Krists? Greg fjallar um hvernig sjálfsmynd okkar skiptir máli.
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Podcast 2 - "How well can they see Jesus?"
Often if we want people to see Jesus we invite them to a church service. But is this the best medium to use to express who the church is? If not, what is? This is what Greg explores in this episode.
Audio podcasts
organic-church-lifequality-episode-1-what-is-churchGreg Aikins
00:00 / 14:22
organic-church-lifequality-episode-2-how-well-can-they-see-jesusGreg Aikins
00:00 / 10:52
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